Report NFL teams want Josh Gordon because hes not Greg Hardy

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wide receiver will now have to wait until August to find out his NFL fate. The league suspended him in February 2015, and he applied for reinstatement 12 months later. But Gordon reportedly failed a drug test, which pushed the reinstatement proce s back Mike Moustakas Jersey to late summer.Browns executive VP of football operations Sashi Brown told this week that, "Once Josh was suspended we organizationally set our mind frame to not counting on him coming back."But just because the Browns have moved on doesn't mean there won't be plenty of interest in the troubled playmaker. Details via :Over the past few days, in speaking with sources in eight NFL front offices, I've seen a clear picture of Gordon's future emerge. Despite failing multiple drug tests -- despite apparently thinking the NFL's drug policies are voluntary -- Gordon still garners a great deal of interest. Billy Hamilton Jersey What seems certain after my discu sions with these officials is that Gordon will have a home if he gives up marijuana. He will, in fact, have his choice of homes should the Browns not want him.Freeman writes that teams are willing to give Gordon another chance because "He's not ," and there's good reason to believe that the 25-year-old could still become one of the league's best young wideouts. It's easy to forget that Gordon took over games during his breakout 2013 campaign when he finished with 87 receptions Barry Larkin Jersey for 1,646 yards and nine touchdowns in 14 games. He played in just five games in 2014 and has been suspended ever since.Bottom line: Gordon's talent is undeniable, which is why we're even having this discu sion. Freeman also notes that several NFL teams are comfortable taking a risk on Gordon because they seem to have a good idea about how he's spending his time. "I heard things about his workout schedule, how he's gotten rid of certain friends who were bad influences (not including , apparently) and a general overall improvement in his attitude," writes Freeman.And while that's a swell development, the reality is that Gordon's reinstatement has been pushed back until August because he reportedly failed drug test. Agent Drew Rosenhaus is rightly concerned with how that confidential information was leaked, but if his client want to return to the NFL, he has to, you know, start pa sing these tests."Josh has been working very hard over the past year to get himself Eugenio Suarez Jersey back into the NFL," . "Obviously there's been a hiccup here. He acknowledges that, but he'll have another opportunity before the season to show the NFL that he's got his life in order and that he's ready to resume his NFL career without any setbacks, and I'm very hopeful that he will."And then we can discu s where Gordon might end up in 2016. (Our early favorite: .)
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